Synergy WorldWide Blog

2018 Title Plus Concludes

Posted: 16 Jan 2019 12:19 PM PST

Last year, the Title Plus promotion provided extra cash bonuses to many of our hard-working Team Members as they achieved new ranks, maintained their highest titles, and worked to build a successful business. In December, Synergy finished the promotion by paying out over $13,000 in Title Plus bonuses. Congratulations to all those who earned their bonus during the final month of the promotion!

To all our Team Members across the country who took home Title Plus cash last year, we again congratulate you, and we thank you for helping us make 2018 a great year.

Team Director

Jmb Elite Enterprizes

Team Manager

Jmb Elite Enterprizes

Team Leader

Jmb Elite Enterprizes


Jmb Elite Enterprizes


Gloria Charles 4x Matching Bonus
Mary Blakley 2x Achieved
Noel Richards 2x Achieved
Lorraine Craymer
Jmb Elite Enterprizes
Pompton Cycle Corp


Hamolu Enterprises Llc 4x Matching Bonus
Bmtmm Global Networks Llc 4x Matching Bonus
Noel Richards 3x Matching Bonus
Wendy Simmons 3x Matching Bonus
Jose Munoz 3x Matching Bonus
Olegario Munoz 3x Matching Bonus
Douglas Morales Montanez 3x Achieved
Jmb Elite Enterprizes
Pompton Cycle Corp


Hamolu Enterprises Llc 4x Matching Bonus
Bmtmm Global Networks Llc 4x Matching Bonus
Wendy Simmons 3x Matching Bonus
Kyunghwa Cheong 3x Matching Bonus
Dave Ramcharan 3x Matching Bonus
Jose Munoz 3x Matching Bonus
Olegario Munoz 3x Matching Bonus
Robert Constantine 3x Matching Bonus
Nieves Enrique Gonzalez 3x Achieved
Millicent Edwards 2x Achieved
Michael Josiah 2x Achieved
Dr. Gray Rappe 2x Achieved
Grateful Armor Llc 2x Achieved
Rafael Munoz 2x Achieved
Very Creative Marketing Llc 2x Achieved
Peter A Belgrave
Delia Venegas
Jmb Elite Enterprizes
Terry F Muniz
Pompton Cycle Corp
Aristides Rivas Berrios
Myspray Therapeutics Inc.
John D Miller
Khyma Lutchman
Miguel A Guevara
Carol Phillip

We look forward to more success for you and your teams now in 2019!

December 2018 Elite Honors Qualifiers

Posted: 16 Jan 2019 12:06 PM PST

We are proud of our hard working Team Members for the passion and focus they have maintained in 2018, and we look forward to seeing this trend of hard work continue into 2019 as we reach new heights and transform more lives.

Congratulations to the following Elite Honors qualifiers:

Mark Comer
Dan Hammer
Stewart Rutter
Mary Blakley
Westlake Body Contouring Llc.
Michael Quigg
Arnold Brod
Edwin Kerner
Kyle Roger Carter
Diane Galloway
Virginia Sconyers
Dr. Chris Cormier
Terry S. Muniz
Aristides Rivas

Again, we would like to congratulate the individuals listed above for achieving Elite Honors this last month. Your dedication to building a successful Synergy business is impressive. We are grateful for your hard work, your belief, and for the fantastic examples you are setting for anyone looking to Leave a Legacy of their own.

December 2018 Rank Advancements

Posted: 16 Jan 2019 12:05 PM PST

Congratulations to the hardworking Team Members who have taken their Synergy business to the next level. Last month, these men and women advanced to new ranks of success in their Synergy business. It is our privilege to recognize them for the time and energy they have invested into reaching their goals, sharing Elite Health and helping people to unlock their potential.

Please join us in congratulating the following Team Members across North America:

Don't forget that your new title can earn you extra income! Click here to read about the 2018 Title Plus promotion and learn how you can get more bonuses for maintaining your new rank or soaring even higher.


Team Director
Jmb Elite Enterprizes

Team Manager
Jmb Elite Enterprizes

Team Leader
Jmb Elite Enterprizes

Jmb Elite Enterprizes

Lorraine Craymer
Jmb Elite Enterprizes
Pompton Cycle Corp

Jmb Elite Enterprizes
Pompton Cycle Corp

Peter A Belgrave
Delia Venegas
Jmb Elite Enterprizes
Terry F. Muniz
Pompton Cycle Corp
Aristides Rivas Berrios
Myspray Therapeutics Inc.
John D. Miller
Khyma Lutchman
Miguel A Guevara
Carol Phillip

Team Members with the most personally sponsored Tracking Centers

Edwin Kerner
Noel Richards
Dave Ramcharan
Keeshon Vane
Rafael Munoz
Miguel A. Guevara
Michael Quigg
Carl Schuelke
Westlake Body Contouring Llc
Myspray Therapeutics Inc
Jennifer Watkins

Team Members with the most personally sponsored rank advancements

Brent Burnett
Lac Marketing Manuals
Leonel Vitervo
Stewart Rutter
Dave Ramcharan
Jenis M. Belgrave
Kc Michigan Group Inc.
Douglas Morales Montanez
Terry F. Muniz
Olegario Munoz
Noel Richards

Synergy WorldWide Blog


Synergy WorldWide Blog

2018 Title Plus Concludes

Posted: 16 Jan 2019 12:19 PM PST

Last year, the Title Plus promotion provided extra cash bonuses to many of our hard-working Team Members as they achieved new ranks, maintained their highest titles, and worked to build a successful business. In December, Synergy finished the promotion by paying out over $13,000 in Title Plus bonuses. Congratulations to all those who earned their bonus during the final month of the promotion!

To all our Team Members across the country who took home Title Plus cash last year, we again congratulate you, and we thank you for helping us make 2018 a great year.

Team Director

Jmb Elite Enterprizes

Team Manager

Jmb Elite Enterprizes

Team Leader

Jmb Elite Enterprizes


Jmb Elite Enterprizes


Gloria Charles 4x Matching Bonus
Mary Blakley 2x Achieved
Noel Richards 2x Achieved
Lorraine Craymer
Jmb Elite Enterprizes
Pompton Cycle Corp


Hamolu Enterprises Llc 4x Matching Bonus
Bmtmm Global Networks Llc 4x Matching Bonus
Noel Richards 3x Matching Bonus
Wendy Simmons 3x Matching Bonus
Jose Munoz 3x Matching Bonus
Olegario Munoz 3x Matching Bonus
Douglas Morales Montanez 3x Achieved
Jmb Elite Enterprizes
Pompton Cycle Corp


Hamolu Enterprises Llc 4x Matching Bonus
Bmtmm Global Networks Llc 4x Matching Bonus
Wendy Simmons 3x Matching Bonus
Kyunghwa Cheong 3x Matching Bonus
Dave Ramcharan 3x Matching Bonus
Jose Munoz 3x Matching Bonus
Olegario Munoz 3x Matching Bonus
Robert Constantine 3x Matching Bonus
Nieves Enrique Gonzalez 3x Achieved
Millicent Edwards 2x Achieved
Michael Josiah 2x Achieved
Dr. Gray Rappe 2x Achieved
Grateful Armor Llc 2x Achieved
Rafael Munoz 2x Achieved
Very Creative Marketing Llc 2x Achieved
Peter A Belgrave
Delia Venegas
Jmb Elite Enterprizes
Terry F Muniz
Pompton Cycle Corp
Aristides Rivas Berrios
Myspray Therapeutics Inc.
John D Miller
Khyma Lutchman
Miguel A Guevara
Carol Phillip

We look forward to more success for you and your teams now in 2019!

December 2018 Elite Honors Qualifiers

Posted: 16 Jan 2019 12:06 PM PST

We are proud of our hard working Team Members for the passion and focus they have maintained in 2018, and we look forward to seeing this trend of hard work continue into 2019 as we reach new heights and transform more lives.

Congratulations to the following Elite Honors qualifiers:

Mark Comer
Dan Hammer
Stewart Rutter
Mary Blakley
Westlake Body Contouring Llc.
Michael Quigg
Arnold Brod
Edwin Kerner
Kyle Roger Carter
Diane Galloway
Virginia Sconyers
Dr. Chris Cormier
Terry S. Muniz
Aristides Rivas

Again, we would like to congratulate the individuals listed above for achieving Elite Honors this last month. Your dedication to building a successful Synergy business is impressive. We are grateful for your hard work, your belief, and for the fantastic examples you are setting for anyone looking to Leave a Legacy of their own.

December 2018 Rank Advancements

Posted: 16 Jan 2019 12:05 PM PST

Congratulations to the hardworking Team Members who have taken their Synergy business to the next level. Last month, these men and women advanced to new ranks of success in their Synergy business. It is our privilege to recognize them for the time and energy they have invested into reaching their goals, sharing Elite Health and helping people to unlock their potential.

Please join us in congratulating the following Team Members across North America:

Don't forget that your new title can earn you extra income! Click here to read about the 2018 Title Plus promotion and learn how you can get more bonuses for maintaining your new rank or soaring even higher.


Team Director
Jmb Elite Enterprizes

Team Manager
Jmb Elite Enterprizes

Team Leader
Jmb Elite Enterprizes

Jmb Elite Enterprizes

Lorraine Craymer
Jmb Elite Enterprizes
Pompton Cycle Corp

Jmb Elite Enterprizes
Pompton Cycle Corp

Peter A Belgrave
Delia Venegas
Jmb Elite Enterprizes
Terry F. Muniz
Pompton Cycle Corp
Aristides Rivas Berrios
Myspray Therapeutics Inc.
John D. Miller
Khyma Lutchman
Miguel A Guevara
Carol Phillip

Team Members with the most personally sponsored Tracking Centers

Edwin Kerner
Noel Richards
Dave Ramcharan
Keeshon Vane
Rafael Munoz
Miguel A. Guevara
Michael Quigg
Carl Schuelke
Westlake Body Contouring Llc
Myspray Therapeutics Inc
Jennifer Watkins

Team Members with the most personally sponsored rank advancements

Brent Burnett
Lac Marketing Manuals
Leonel Vitervo
Stewart Rutter
Dave Ramcharan
Jenis M. Belgrave
Kc Michigan Group Inc.
Douglas Morales Montanez
Terry F. Muniz
Olegario Munoz
Noel Richards

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